For some, mortgage payments become too high, others, the loss of a job or struggle with a single family income takes its toll and you've finally come to the point where you can no longer afford your home. Regardless of the reason, sometime you just have to sell your house and we are the company that can help as we buy houses.
 We'll Meet You Our initial consultation is where we get to know you and listen to the reasons why you need to sell, how much money you need to move on with, and other factors which led to your decision to sell. We will discuss your options, learn your need and how quickly you need this to occur. We'll gather all the required information directly from you, the home owner, in order to properly assist you.
 We'll Evaluate your Home We will now review your home, learn if there are any encumbrances, legal liens, back taxes, damage to the home, and so forth. Remember, we buy homes in all conditions, so you don't have to worry that we won't buy simply because there is damage or other issues. Usually within 24 hours we can determine how quickly the sales process can go through and how much we can offer to you. We want this sale to be a win-win for both parties and will try to work to find a way to make it so.
 Offer & Acceptance (or rejection) Once we've determined costs of repairs, assessed comparable homes, and other factors, we will present to you a fair and bona fide offer. We factor in the home's age, condition, location, fair market value, and other aspects as well. Remember, there is no obligation to accept, it's just an offer.

Consider our offer and determine if it is something you feel is fair. If not, come back to us, and see if we are open to negotiating. Remember, every situation is unique and different for every home owner. You might need to leave within the week, others might need assistance with their moving expenses. There is no harm in asking us to negotiate, we are willing to listen if you feel our offer is not sufficient. We encourage owners to take their time and look at all relevant factors prior to accepting or declining our offers.
 Close on the Offer At this point, if you have agreed to our offer (original or renegotiated) it's as easy as sitting down and closing on the home's sale. During closing, we will pay you the cash value which is agreed upon, and we will take over ownership of the headache. Did we mention that We Pay All Closing Costs.
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